the futu Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENU.EXEWINDOWSANSWER WINDOW WINDOW WINDOWANSWER R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDOPress F1 for Answer WindowPress ENTER to continue. Press ENTER to return to DOS. END OF PROJECT 050: The Lion/Lamb, Rev. 5 * * * * * they trust the Lord Jesus. so that no matter what happens on earth, They see this reality with John with the eyes of faith,Christians live by faith in the reality of Jesus' accomplishments. even though not detectable by scientific method. This is objective fact, is now exercising full and complete authority over the world. -- having died, risen again, and ascended into heaven -- is acknowledging the fact that Jesus In these songs, the entire creation * * * HOMILY * * * seals, because you were slain... c. You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its and wealth and wisdom and strength... b. Worthy is the lamb, who was slain, to receive power ever! praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and a. To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be 3. ___ Every creature 2. ___ Myriads of angels 1. ___ The four living creatures and the twenty four elders Match the songs and the singers. A. There are three songs, by three different groups of people. IV. THE SONGS (5:8-14)Screen # 8 world from God. 4. ___ The ascended Jesus receiving control of the whole 3. ___ Jesus receiving his original mission from God. 2. ___ The devil gaining control of the world. 1. ___ A time of everlasting peace. Select one. (Press ENTER to bypass.) D. What does this act (taking the scroll) signify? 2. ___ From whom did he take it? 1. ___ Who took the scroll? c. All creatures f. John b. Twenty four elders e. The lamb a. Four living creatures d. God From the list of items, select the appropriate response. C. The taking of the scroll (5:7)Screen # 7 2. ___ What John actually saw. b. a lamb 1. ___ What the Elder described to John. a. a lion B. Match: 7. ___ 1 Peter 1:19 g. Wolf will live with lamb 6. ___ 1 Corinthians 5:7 f. Passover lamb 5. ___ John 1:29 e. Lamb of God 4. ___ Isaiah 53:7 d. Lamb led to slaughter 3. ___ Isaiah 11:6 c. Daily burnt offering 2. ___ Numbers 28:1-4 b. Christ, our Passover lamb 1. ___ Exodus 12:1-11 a. Christ, lamb without blemish Match the references and the summaries. A. The symbolism of the Lamb in the Bible. III. THE LAMB (5:6)Screen # 6z54321 Note: Jesse is father of David, Israel an alternate name for Jacob. and fill all the world with fruit. root, Israel will bud and blossom 5. ___ Romans 15:12 e. In days to come Jacob will take the nations will rally to him. stand as a banner for the peoples; 4. ___ Isaiah 53:2 d. In that day the Root of Jesse will Branch will bear fruit. stump of Jesse; from his roots a 3. ___ Isaiah 27:6 c. A shoot will come up from the of dry ground. tender shoot, and like a root out 2. ___ Isaiah 11:10 b. He grew up before him like a nations; the Gentiles will hope in him. who will arise to rule over the 1. ___ Isaiah 11:1 a. The root of Jesse will spring up, one When finished, enter z in box, press ENTER. Enter a NUMBER in box, a LETTER in blank. Match the references and the quotations. C. Background symbolism of the Root of David (5:5)Screen # 5 7. ___ 1 Peter 5:8 6. ___ Micah 5:8 5. ___ Hosea 5:14 4. ___ Ezekiel 32:2 3. ___ Ezekiel 19:1-6 2. ___ Jeremiah 4:7 (fn) 1. ___ Genesis 49:10 provide specific Old Testament background for this symbolism? Which three of the references in the preceding question symbolizes the tribe of Judah. (5:1-4) B. In his vision John sees not just any lion, but the lion whoScreen # 4 7. ___ 1 Peter 5:8 g. Remnant of Jacob 6. ___ Micah 5:8 f. Nation of Israel 5. ___ Hosea 5:14 e. King of Egypt 4. ___ Ezekiel 32:2 d. Judah son of Jacob 3. ___ Ezekiel 19:1-6 c. God 2. ___ Jeremiah 4:7 (fn) b. Devil 1. ___ Genesis 49:10 a. Babylon Match the references and the symbolism. A. The lion has a wide range of symbolic use in the Bible. II. THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH (5:5)Screen # 3 e. There is a complete divine plan for all life and history. d. Represents God's plan for the entire creation (cf. 4:11). c. Humans cannot control or understand the process of history. b. God keeps his purposes secret. (cf. Deut 29:29) a. God controls the destiny of all creation. SYMBOLISM 5. ___ No one able to open the scroll or read it. 4. ___ Sealed with seven seals. 3. ___ With writing on both sides. 2. ___ In the right hand of God. 1. ___ The scroll itself. ELEMENTS (5:1-4) B. Match the ELEMENTS of the vision with the SYMBOLISM.Screen # 2 7. ___ At first nobody could get the scroll opened. 6. ___ Seven dabs of clay keep it from unrolling. 5. ___ Seven Christmas seals adorn the scroll. 4. ___ The writing is in Hebrew. 3. ___ It is written on both sides. 2. ___ It is made of papyrus. 1. ___ The scroll is held by God. Use + or - . A. Select each statement which reflects the scripture. I. THE SCROLL (5:1-4)Screen # 1 PROJECT 050: Screens 1 - 8 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced ReENTRy. Press F4 then ENTER to Restart SCReeN. Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for Answer WINDOw. The menu at the bottom of the screen means: HELP See the action taking place in your own vision! That is, see what John sees. Exercise your imagination. Revelation 5 READING FOR THIS PROJECT ( Screens 1 - 8 ) THE LION/LAMB PROJECT 050 is a continuation of what he sees in chapter 4. What John describes in chapter 5 are more or less arbitrary. Chapter divisions in the Bible